Introducing the expanded version of “databess plus”
You can easily create a database with Detabes only, but there are also more useful plug-ins available.
This additional plugin is called databess plus and has the following attractive features.
Attractive and powerful additions are made possible by the inclusion of one additional plugin.
- Can add Detabess functionality to “Pages“ and “Custom Post Types“.
- Can change the URL from a? Formant parameter to a directory formant.
- Can change the display order of registered items.
- Can add areas to search the text in addition to the items registered in detabess.
- Can display the list by embedding the list display tag of the registration item in the template.
- Can narrow down by the check-box, and you can select not only “Applicable to all” but also “Applicable to either”
- Can export each registered item and add it to other sites.
- On the post list page, you can display the number of items registered as detabess data.